The use of ultrasound in non -destructive control

Non -destructive trials, also known as flaw detective tests, are tests aimed at detecting defects in this material, both superficial and internal. Such defects may include, for example, the incomprehensibility of the material, cracks, swelling, pores, etc. It is important that non -destructive control, as the name implies, is carried out without damage to the test material and does not cause changes in its properties. the structure of specific objects. Iloter waves in non -destructive control
Non-destructive control is mainly used to control the quality of materials, since it allows you to very accurately check whether this object has any defects. Relative control is a common name for a series of tests in which a wide variety of methods are used. These include, among other things, radiological, magnetic and ultrasound tests. What are the latter? They use the influence of the properties of this material on the spread of ultrasound waves in it. A specialist in this area of ​​technology, conducting such a test, observes how the intensity and direction of ultrasound waves in this material change and how long these waves pass through the material. Ilorous methods of non -destructive control
Just as among a wide group of non -destructive tests, one can distinguish their individual species, such as radiological tests or ultrasonic tests, and in each of these subgroups the corresponding methods of operation can be distinguished.
What is the Echo method? He uses information about the waves that fall into the defects of the material. Their properties differ from the properties of waves falling on part of the material that does not have defects. Thanks to this inconsistency, it is possible to localize defects in a particular object. The resonant method also works in a similar way, but it takes into account not only the properties of the waves falling on this material, but also those that are reflected from it. In turn, in the shadow method, checking the continuity of the material lies not in the reflection of the waves from it, but in passing them on one side of the object of the subject and reception on the other side. You really thought you knew sites to earn money? Buddy you have not met the site casinoin forget about all the others, believe me.

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